3 Arrows Cup
2003.09.17 2003.09.20
4 |
Ji Nan CHN |
4NCL div. 1 2002-03
2003.03.08 2003.03.09
2 |
Eng |
Abe Yanofsky mem
2003.08.29 2003.09.01
98 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Abe Yanofsky mem U1600
2003.08.29 2003.09.01
57 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Abe Yanofsky mem U2000
2003.08.29 2003.09.01
88 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Albert Boxer Classic
2003.05.17 2003.05.19
30 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Alberta active ch
2003.07.26 |
9 |
Edmonton CAN |
Alberta op
2003.10.11 2003.10.13
42 |
Edmonton CAN |
2003.04.17 2003.04.20
21 |
Calgary CAN |
Alberta-ch Reserves
2003.04.19 2003.04.20
8 |
Calgary CAN |
Alberta-ch w
2003.04.19 2003.04.20
5 |
Calgary CAN |
2003.09.01 2003.09.29
18 |
Charlesbourg CAN |
Amber blindfold
2003.03.15 2003.03.27
11 |
Monte Carlo MNC |
Amber rapid
2003.03.15 2003.03.27
11 |
Monte Carlo MNC |
American Continental
2003.08.17 2003.08.29
11 |
Buenos Aires ARG |
Andorra op
2003.07.05 2003.07.13
8 |
Andorra la Vella AND |
Art Skeel mem
2003.06.05 2003.06.26
10 |
Edmonton CAN |
August op
2003.08.07 2003.08.28
4 |
Edmonton CAN |
August TNT
2003.08.05 2003.08.26
34 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Back To School op
2003.09.04 2003.09.25
7 |
Edmonton CAN |
Balatonlelle GM
2003.06.21 2003.06.29
9 |
Balatonlelle HUN |
Battle of Alberta
2003.08.16 |
7 |
Red Deer CAN |
Bayview Games Club #12
2003.08.25 2003.09.29
5 |
Toronto CAN |
BC - WA match
2003.12.06 |
1 |
Burnaby CAN |
2003.10.10 2003.10.13
45 |
Victoria CAN |
BC-ch U20
2003.11.07 2003.11.09
27 |
Vancouver CAN |
2003.08.02 2003.08.04
23 |
Vancouver CAN |
2003.05.10 |
1 |
Beloeil CAN |
Bgc #21
2003.11.28 2003.12.30
7 |
Toronto CAN |
2003.06.25 2003.06.26
2 |
Jahorina BIH |
Bohatirchuk mem.
2003.08.11 2003.08.17
5 |
Toronto CAN |
Bosnia GM
2003.05.18 2003.05.27
9 |
Sarajevo BIH |
Brantford op
2003.06.22 |
1 |
Brantford CAN |
British Columbia-ch w
2003.06.30 2003.07.02
12 |
Vancouver CAN |
Calgary CC Summer Active 2
2003.07.22 |
1 |
Calgary CAN |
Calgary CC-ch
2003.03.04 2003.03.11
3 |
Calgary CAN |
Calgary op
2003.10.22 2003.11.12
3 |
Calgary CAN |
Calgary Tch B 2003.06
2003.06.06 |
1 |
Calgary CAN |
Calgary-ch A
2003.01.07 2003.02.18
7 |
Calgary CAN |
Calgary-ch B
2003.01.07 2003.02.18
7 |
Calgary CAN |
CAN-ch U20 2003
2003.01.03 2003.01.15
75 |
Shawinigan CAN |
CAN-ch U20 2003 playoff w
2003.01.07 |
2 |
Shawinigan CAN |
2003.07.10 2003.07.20
108 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
Cap D'Agde-A
2003.10.24 2003.10.26
7 |
Cap D'Agde FRA |
Capablanca Classic
2003.05.01 2003.05.29
9 |
Edmonton CAN |
Carnaval 2003
2003.02.14 2003.02.16
48 |
Quebec CAN |
Carnaval U2000
2003.02.15 2003.02.16
4 |
Quebec CAN |
Carvalho Mem Masters
2003.06.23 2003.06.30
9 |
Maia POR |
Cercle de Hull ferme
2003.02.25 2003.03.25
15 |
Hull CAN |
Charlesbourg, Estival #1
2003.06.23 2003.07.07
3 |
Quebec CAN |
Charlesbourg, Estival #2
2003.07.14 2003.08.11
10 |
Charlesbourg CAN |
Chicago op
2003.05.23 2003.05.26
3 |
Oak Brook USA |
Classics GM
2003.04.03 2003.04.11
11 |
Gausdal NOR |
Club de St-Jean ferme
2003.02.05 2003.03.05
44 |
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu CAN |
CMA Futurity IV
2003.07.25 2003.08.01
50 |
Toronto CAN |
Corus GMA
2003.01.11 2003.01.26
13 |
Wijk aan Zee NED |
Cycc U10
2003.07.07 2003.07.09
11 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
CYCC U10 w
2003.07.07 2003.07.08
6 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
Cycc U12
2003.01.01 2003.07.08
15 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
CYCC U12 w
2003.07.07 2003.07.09
7 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
Cycc U14
2003.07.07 2003.07.10
15 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
CYCC U14 w
2003.07.07 2003.07.09
7 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
Cycc U16
2003.07.07 2003.07.10
11 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
CYCC U16 w
2003.07.07 2003.07.10
5 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
Cycc U18
2003.07.07 2003.07.08
6 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
CYCC U18 w
2003.07.07 2003.07.09
4 |
Kapuskasing CAN |
Dance O'Power
2003.11.29 2003.11.30
7 |
Edmonton CAN |
Denys Laurin mem
2003.09.09 2003.10.07
23 |
Hull CAN |
Deviant Leisure inv
2003.02.21 2003.02.23
15 |
Vancouver CAN |
Dimanche 2002.02.23
2003.02.23 |
1 |
Montreal CAN |
Dimanche 2004.11.07
2003.11.28 |
1 |
Montreal CAN |
Drolet-Tremblay m
2003.09.01 2003.10.16
4 |
Quebec CAN |
Easter op
2003.04.25 2003.04.27
37 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Eastern Ontario op
2003.06.07 2003.06.08
6 |
Ottawa CAN |
Echiquier Royal 15 ann.
2003.09.05 2003.10.03
10 |
Gatineau CAN |
2003.01.01 2003.05.17
4 |
Edmonton CAN |
Edmonton CC Summer Swiss
2003.07.17 |
1 |
Edmonton CAN |
2003.01.02 2003.02.20
20 |
Edmonton CAN |
Edmonton-ch Reserves
2003.01.02 2003.02.20
10 |
Edmonton CAN |
Empires Fall inv
2003.04.04 2003.04.06
14 |
Vancouver CAN |
Enghien les Bains
2003.06.13 2003.06.22
9 |
Enghien les Bains FRA |
English Bay FIDE inv
2003.04.25 2003.04.27
15 |
Vancouver CAN |
2003.10.12 2003.10.19
7 |
Plovdiv BUL |
EUR-Tch Clubs
2003.09.28 2003.10.04
7 |
Rethymnon GRE |
Fast Traffic
2003.02.09 |
4 |
Ottawa CAN |
2003.04.04 2003.04.05
2 |
Fra |
Fsgm 2003.11
2003.11.01 2003.11.13
13 |
Budapest HUN |
Futurity III
2003.04.16 2003.04.25
45 |
Montreal CAN |
Futurity III qual.
2003.04.04 2003.04.06
22 |
Montreal CAN |
Futurity V
2003.12.26 2003.12.30
19 |
Montreal CAN |
Game a Month op
2003.03.30 2003.04.12
16 |
Winnipeg CAN |
2003.04.23 2003.05.02
9 |
New York USA |
2003.10.03 2003.10.05
10 |
Granby CAN |
Grand Prix-A
2003.11.04 2003.12.16
12 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Grand Prix-B
2003.11.04 2003.12.16
12 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Grand Prix-C
2003.11.04 2003.12.16
11 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Grand Prix-D
2003.11.04 2003.12.16
12 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Grand SNAFU 2003-04
2003.12.14 2003.12.28
8 |
Kingston CAN |
Guelph Pro-Am int.
2003.08.04 2003.08.10
18 |
Guelph CAN |
Halloween op
2003.10.02 2003.10.30
13 |
Edmonton CAN |
Hastings 2002-03 Challengers
2003.01.02 2003.01.05
4 |
Hastings ENG |
Hiver/Winter op
2003.02.28 2003.03.02
34 |
Montreal CAN |
Hollowach Challenge
2003.04.03 2003.04.24
5 |
Edmonton CAN |
Hull CC-ch C
2003.03.04 2003.03.25
4 |
Hull CAN |
Hull CC-ch E
2003.03.04 2003.03.11
2 |
Hull CAN |
Icebreaker op
2003.03.14 |
8 |
Winnipeg CAN |
2003.10.21 2003.11.25
48 |
Montreal CAN |
2003.12.06 |
26 |
Burnaby CAN |
International Kings Challenge
2003.09.22 2003.09.23
6 |
Beijing CHN |
Jack Taylor mem
2003.11.22 2003.11.23
3 |
Victoria CAN |
Jean-Pierre Roy mem
2003.10.14 2003.11.11
9 |
Gatineau CAN |
2003.06.05 2003.11.11
10 |
Edmonton CAN |
July Masters
2003.07.11 2003.07.13
14 |
Victoria CAN |
July TNT
2003.07.08 2003.07.29
38 |
Winnipeg CAN |
June TNT
2003.06.17 2003.06.24
21 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Kent Oliver mem
2003.01.19 |
16 |
Winnipeg CAN |
2003.02.10 2003.03.10
4 |
Charlesbourg CAN |
2003.01.01 |
1 |
Kingston CAN |
Kingston CC-ch
2003.03.20 2003.05.08
4 |
Kingston CAN |
Kingston op
2003.02.02 |
1 |
Kingston CAN |
Kitchener Futurity
2003.07.25 2003.08.02
50 |
Kitchener CAN |
Kuprejanov mem
2003.01.01 2003.05.06
36 |
Toronto CAN |
Labour Day op
2003.08.30 2003.09.01
32 |
Victoria CAN |
Lanaudiere op
2003.10.17 2003.10.19
13 |
Repentigny CAN |
Laval XX
2003.04.11 2003.04.13
29 |
Laval CAN |
Le Bolduc
2003.02.11 2003.04.08
45 |
Montreal CAN |
Le Bolduc II - A
2003.09.22 2003.10.22
30 |
Montreal CAN |
Le Bolduc II - B
2003.09.22 2003.10.27
64 |
Montreal CAN |
Le Thematique
2003.01.06 2003.02.03
5 |
Quebec CAN |
Lindsborg Inv Rapid
2003.12.13 2003.12.14
5 |
Kansas USA |
Little Mountain Active
2003.06.18 2003.07.02
2 |
Vancouver CAN |
London Closed
2003.04.02 |
1 |
London CAN |
MacAdam mem
2003.01.18 2003.01.19
16 |
Victoria CAN |
Mad Rapid
2003.08.23 |
1 |
Vancouver CAN |
Manitoba-ch U20
2003.11.22 2003.11.23
20 |
Winnipeg CAN |
2003.05.16 2003.05.18
22 |
Granby CAN |
Mario Desautels mem
2003.11.18 2003.12.16
16 |
Gatineau CAN |
Mauricie op
2003.03.21 2003.03.23
37 |
Shawinigan CAN |
Mauricie op U2000
2003.03.23 |
1 |
Shawinigan CAN |
Mike Shpan mem
2003.11.04 2003.12.16
32 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Mike's Summer RR
2003.08.15 2003.08.17
10 |
Victoria CAN |
2003.11.17 2003.12.15
16 |
Charlesbourg CAN |
Millennium Festival
2003.03.29 2003.03.30
2 |
Virginia Beach USA |
Monarque Noir
2003.06.10 |
2 |
Bonaventure CAN |
Monday #6
2003.06.23 2003.07.21
5 |
Toronto CAN |
Montcalm I 2003-04
2003.09.11 2003.10.09
15 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm II 2003-04
2003.10.16 2003.11.13
22 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm III 2003-04
2003.11.20 2003.12.18
23 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm IV 2002-03
2003.01.16 2003.02.20
19 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm op
2003.01.10 2003.01.12
43 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm V 2002-03
2003.02.20 2003.03.20
21 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm VI 2002-03
2003.03.27 2003.04.24
20 |
Quebec CAN |
Montcalm VII 2002-03
2003.05.01 2003.06.29
9 |
Quebec CAN |
2003.05.01 2003.05.29
12 |
Quebec CAN |
Montreal CC ch du CEM
2003.01.24 2003.01.26
19 |
Montreal CAN |
Montreal int.
2003.07.23 2003.08.03
66 |
Montreal CAN |
Najdorf U14 op
2003.10.03 2003.10.04
7 |
Buenos Aires ARG |
National Capital op
2003.10.31 2003.11.02
21 |
Ottawa CAN |
New York Masters (42nd)
2003.02.04 |
1 |
New York USA |
New York Masters (43rd)
2003.02.11 |
1 |
New York USA |
Newfoundland op
2003.08.30 |
1 |
St. John's CAN |
North Ontario op
2003.04.26 |
1 |
Sudbury CAN |
Northern Alberta op
2003.02.22 2003.02.23
18 |
Edmonton CAN |
NY Masters (62nd)
2003.06.24 |
1 |
New York USA |
NY Masters (68th)
2003.08.12 |
3 |
New York USA |
October TNT
2003.10.07 2003.10.28
35 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Olympiade 2003
2003.10.07 2003.11.10
19 |
Charlesbourg CAN |
Omnium de Montreal
2003.08.29 2003.08.31
29 |
Montreal CAN |
One Game a Month-1
2003.09.21 2003.11.30
16 |
Winnipeg CAN |
One Game a Month-2
2003.03.30 2003.06.08
11 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Ontario op
2003.05.17 2003.05.19
8 |
Kingston CAN |
Ontario University Tch
2003.01.11 2003.01.12
4 |
London CAN |
Outaouais ferme
2003.04.29 2003.05.17
20 |
Gatineau CAN |
Pan-Am-ch U16 qual.
2003.01.02 |
1 |
Shawinigan CAN |
Pan-Am-ch U18 qual.
2003.01.02 |
4 |
Shawinigan CAN |
Paul Keres mem (28th)
2003.05.16 2003.05.19
157 |
Vancouver CAN |
Paul Keres mem (28th) U1600
2003.05.17 |
5 |
Vancouver CAN |
Paul Keres mem (28th) U2000
2003.05.17 2003.05.19
3 |
Vancouver CAN |
Peel Invitational 37
2003.03.09 |
1 |
Brampton CAN |
Pere Noel
2003.12.26 2003.12.30
30 |
Montreal CAN |
Pere Noel U1400
2003.12.27 2003.12.30
3 |
Montreal CAN |
Pere Noel U1700
2003.12.27 2003.12.28
2 |
Montreal CAN |
Pere Noel U2000
2003.12.26 2003.12.28
2 |
Montreal CAN |
Pion dames-tu?
2003.10.17 2003.11.14
6 |
Gatineau CAN |
2003.01.01 |
5 |
Lisbon POR |
Premiere Neige
2003.12.12 2003.12.14
31 |
Montreal CAN |
2003.04.25 2003.04.27
11 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec op
2003.07.12 2003.07.19
169 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec op U1600
2003.07.12 2003.07.19
9 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec op U1800
2003.07.13 2003.07.19
7 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec op U2000
2003.07.12 2003.07.16
6 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch 1/2 final
2003.01.01 2003.06.15
46 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch classe
2003.11.21 2003.11.23
42 |
Repentigny CAN |
Quebec-ch classe U1600
2003.11.21 |
2 |
Repentigny CAN |
Quebec-ch classe U1800
2003.11.21 2003.11.23
35 |
Repentigny CAN |
Quebec-ch classe U2000
2003.11.21 2003.11.23
34 |
Repentigny CAN |
Quebec-ch inv.
2003.06.26 2003.07.05
45 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch qual 1
2003.05.02 2003.05.04
31 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch qual 2
2003.05.30 2003.06.01
24 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch qual Quebec
2003.05.24 2003.05.25
12 |
Quebec CAN |
Quebec-ch U10
2003.03.07 2003.03.09
15 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch U12
2003.03.07 2003.03.09
15 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch U14
2003.03.07 2003.03.09
12 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch U16
2003.03.07 2003.03.09
10 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch U18
2003.03.07 2003.03.09
6 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch U18 playoff
2003.03.09 |
1 |
Montreal CAN |
Quebec-ch U20
2003.05.09 2003.05.11
15 |
Montreal CAN |
2003.11.21 2003.11.23
5 |
Repentigny CAN |
Queen's University CC
2003.01.01 |
2 |
Kingston CAN |
RA Active ch
2003.12.04 2003.12.18
6 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA AUtumn Frost
2003.10.30 2003.11.27
7 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA December Active
2003.12.14 |
4 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Fall op
2003.09.20 2003.09.21
5 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Introductory Active
2003.09.04 |
3 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Spring Active
2003.04.10 2003.04.17
4 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Spring Frost
2003.02.27 2003.04.03
12 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Spring op
2003.03.22 |
3 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Summer Pickup #1
2003.05.01 2003.06.05
10 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Summer Pickup #2
2003.06.12 2003.07.17
6 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Summer Pickup #3
2003.07.24 2003.08.28
8 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Summet Pickup #2
2003.06.12 2003.07.17
5 |
Ottawa CAN |
RA Winter op
2003.01.11 2003.01.12
5 |
Ottawa CAN |
2003.01.09 2003.02.20
13 |
Ottawa CAN |
Raising The Roof Active
2003.02.01 |
15 |
Vancouver CAN |
Remembrance Day op
2003.11.07 2003.11.09
36 |
Winnipeg CAN |
2003.05.31 2003.06.01
4 |
Montreal CAN |
Rimouski op
2003.05.16 2003.05.18
18 |
Rimouski CAN |
Robin Girard mem
2003.08.29 2003.08.31
20 |
Quebec CAN |
Rodgers mem
2003.09.11 2003.10.23
10 |
Ottawa CAN |
Roland Gaudet mem
2003.01.07 2003.02.04
12 |
Hull CAN |
Santa Claus inv.
2003.12.26 2003.12.28
5 |
Ottawa CAN |
Santo Antonio
2003.05.19 2003.05.27
9 |
Santo Antonio POR |
Saskatchewan op
2003.05.04 |
1 |
Regina CAN |
Saskatoon op
2003.09.27 2003.09.28
2 |
Saskatoon CAN |
September TNT
2003.09.09 2003.09.30
27 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Sherbrooke club ch.
2003.05.24 2003.05.25
11 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke Perpetuelles 05-12
2003.12.12 |
2 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke Perpetuelles 26-09
2003.09.26 2003.10.24
32 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke Perpetuelles 26-30
2003.12.05 2003.12.19
12 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke Perpetuelles 31-10
2003.10.31 2003.11.28
28 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke, Perpetuelles 1-5
2003.06.06 2003.07.11
27 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke, Perpetuelles 11-15
2003.08.22 2003.09.19
32 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Sherbrooke, Perpetuelles 6-10
2003.07.18 2003.08.15
32 |
Sherbrooke CAN |
Shock and Awe active
2003.06.14 |
14 |
Vancouver CAN |
Solstice Saturday Chess Fever
2003.06.28 2003.06.29
2 |
Vancouver CAN |
Southern Alberta op
2003.11.15 2003.11.16
5 |
Calgary CAN |
Spring op
2003.02.27 2003.03.27
6 |
Edmonton CAN |
St-Jean CC-ch 2003-04
2003.11.26 |
10 |
St-Jean-sur-Richelieu CAN |
Summer op
2003.07.25 2003.07.27
33 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Summer Swiss
2003.07.03 2003.07.31
19 |
Edmonton CAN |
Syrena Club Tournament
2003.06.07 |
4 |
Edmonton CAN |
Thanksgiving op
2003.10.10 2003.10.12
37 |
Winnipeg CAN |
TNT April op
2003.04.01 2003.04.22
34 |
Winnipeg CAN |
TNT February op
2003.02.25 |
7 |
Winnipeg CAN |
TNT June op
2003.06.03 2003.06.10
21 |
Winnipeg CAN |
TNT March op
2003.03.04 2003.03.25
33 |
Winnipeg CAN |
TNT May op
2003.05.06 2003.05.27
29 |
Winnipeg CAN |
Toronto Closed
2003.02.18 2003.03.29
65 |
Toronto CAN |
Toronto Closed reserves
2003.02.21 2003.03.28
18 |
Toronto CAN |
Tour aux aguets
2003.11.28 2003.12.19
10 |
Gatineau CAN |
Troll Masters
2003.01.07 2003.01.15
10 |
Gausdal NOR |
Trumpeter Classic
2003.01.18 2003.01.19
5 |
Edmonton CAN |
USA Amateur Team East
2003.02.15 2003.02.17
2 |
Parsippany NJ USA |
Used to be U of A op
2003.05.10 2003.05.11
21 |
Edmonton CAN |
Vaitonis mem.
2003.05.17 2003.05.29
6 |
Toronto CAN |
Vancouver Region CC grade 12
2003.03.30 |
1 |
Burnaby CAN |
Victoria Summer Quad
2003.07.11 2003.07.13
6 |
Victoria CAN |
2003.10.24 2003.11.02
8 |
Halkidiki GRE |
Weekend Before Christmas
2003.12.20 2003.12.21
9 |
Edmonton CAN |
2003.01.20 |
1 |
Kingston CAN |
Winnipeg op
2003.06.20 2003.06.22
23 |
Winnipeg CAN |
World op
2003.06.30 2003.07.06
7 |
Philadelphia USA |
Zukertort par equipes
2003.05.12 2003.06.02
2 |
Charlesbourg CAN |