[Event "Back To School op"]
[Site "Edmonton CAN"]
[Date "2008.09.18"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Haynes, Nicolas"]
[Black "Razzaq, Ali"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2232"]
[BlackElo "1823"]
[PlyCount "45"]
1.e4 c6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 Nd7 4.Ngf3 dxe4 5.dxe4 e6 6.g3 g6 7.Bg2 Bg7 8.Nc4 Ngf6 9.Nd6+ Kf8 10.O-O e5 11.Ng5 Qe7 12.Ngxf7 Nb6 13.Nxh8 Bxh8 14.Nxc8 Rxc8 15.Qe2 Na8 16.Bg5 Nc7 17.Bh3 Ne6 18.Bxe6 Qxe6 19.Bxf6 Bxf6 20.Rfd1 Kg7 21.Qd3 Rd8 22.Qb3 Qxb3 23.axb3 1-0
[Site "Edmonton CAN"]
[Date "2008.09.18"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Haynes, Nicolas"]
[Black "Razzaq, Ali"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2232"]
[BlackElo "1823"]
[PlyCount "45"]
1.e4 c6 2.d3 d5 3.Nd2 Nd7 4.Ngf3 dxe4 5.dxe4 e6 6.g3 g6 7.Bg2 Bg7 8.Nc4 Ngf6 9.Nd6+ Kf8 10.O-O e5 11.Ng5 Qe7 12.Ngxf7 Nb6 13.Nxh8 Bxh8 14.Nxc8 Rxc8 15.Qe2 Na8 16.Bg5 Nc7 17.Bh3 Ne6 18.Bxe6 Qxe6 19.Bxf6 Bxf6 20.Rfd1 Kg7 21.Qd3 Rd8 22.Qb3 Qxb3 23.axb3 1-0
[Event "Back To School op"]
[Site "Edmonton CAN"]
[Date "2008.09.18"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Haynes, Nicolas"]
[Black "Razzaq, Ali"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2232"]
[BlackElo "1823"]
[ECO "B10"]
[EventDate "2008.09.04"]
[PlyCount "45"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "4"]
[EventCountry "CAN"]
1. e4 c6 2. d3 d5 3. Nd2 Nd7 4. Ngf3 dxe4 5. dxe4 e6 6. g3 g6 7. Bg2 Bg7 8.
Nc4 Ngf6 9. Nd6+ Kf8 10. O-O e5 11. Ng5 Qe7 12. Ngxf7 Nb6 13. Nxh8 Bxh8 14.
Nxc8 Rxc8 15. Qe2 Na8 16. Bg5 Nc7 17. Bh3 Ne6 18. Bxe6 Qxe6 19. Bxf6 Bxf6
20. Rfd1 Kg7 21. Qd3 Rd8 22. Qb3 Qxb3 23. axb3 1-0