CANBASE Game / Partie #158510
[Event "Battle of Alberta"]
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "1998.08.15"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Gomboc, Dave"]
[Black "Hughey, Micah"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[WhiteElo "2126"]
[BlackElo "2115"]
[PlyCount "17"]

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.exd5 cxd5 4.c4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e6 6.Nf3 Be7 7.Bd3 O-O 8.O-O Nc6 9.a3 1/2-1/2
[Event "Battle of Alberta"] [Site "Red Deer CAN"] [Date "1998.08.15"] [Round "2"] [White "Gomboc, Dave"] [Black "Hughey, Micah"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [WhiteElo "2126"] [BlackElo "2115"] [ECO "B14"] [EventDate "1998.??.??"] [PlyCount "17"] [EventType "team"] [EventRounds "2"] [EventCountry "CAN"] [WhiteTeamCountry "CAN"] [BlackTeamCountry "CAN"] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. c4 Nf6 5. Nc3 e6 6. Nf3 Be7 7. Bd3 O-O 8. O-O Nc6 9. a3 1/2-1/2