[Event "Isle of Man op"]
[Site "Douglas ENG"]
[Date "2017.09.24"]
[Round "2.31"]
[White "Naiditsch, Arkadij"]
[Black "Hambleton, Aman"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2702"]
[BlackElo "2479"]
[PlyCount "173"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4 5.d4 d5 6.Bd3 Be7 7.O-O Nc6 8.Re1 Bf5 9.Nc3 Nxc3 10.bxc3 Bxd3 11.Qxd3 O-O 12.Rb1 Na5 13.Re2 c6 14.Bf4 Bf6 15.Rbe1 Nc4 16.h3 h6 17.Nh2 Bg5 18.Bxg5 Qxg5 19.Ng4 Nd6 20.Re5 Qg6 21.Qg3 Rae8 22.Rxe8 Rxe8 23.Rxe8+ Nxe8 24.Qb8 Qe6 25.Kf1 Qe7 26.Qxa7 f6 27.Ne3 Nd6 28.Qc5 Qe6 29.a4 Kh7 30.a5 Nf5 31.c4 Nxe3+ 32.fxe3 Qxe3 33.cxd5 Qf4+ 34.Ke2 Qe4+ 35.Kd1 cxd5 36.g4 Qh1+ 37.Kd2 Qxh3 38.Qc8 h5 39.Qf5+ Kh8 40.Qxh5+ Qxh5 41.gxh5 Kg8 42.c4 dxc4 43.Kc3 Kf7 44.Kxc4 f5 45.Kd3 Kf6 46.Ke3 Kg5 47.d5 f4+ 48.Ke4 Kg4 49.d6 f3 50.Ke3 Kg3 51.d7 f2 52.d8=Q f1=Q 53.Qg5+ Kh3 54.Qxg7 Qe1+ 55.Kf3 Qd1+ 56.Kf4 Qd2+ 57.Kf5 Qd3+ 58.Kg5 Qe3+ 59.Kg6 Qe4+ 60.Kh6 Qe3+ 61.Qg5 Qe6+ 62.Kg7 Qd7+ 63.Kf8 Qc8+ 64.Ke7 Qc7+ 65.Ke8 Qc8+ 66.Kf7 Qd7+ 67.Kf8 Qc8+ 68.Kg7 Qd7+ 69.Kh6 Qe6+ 70.Qg6 Qe3+ 71.Kh7 Qe7+ 72.Kg8 Qd8+ 73.Kg7 Qe7+ 74.Qf7 Qe5+ 75.Kg8 Qg3+ 76.Kf8 Qd6+ 77.Ke8 Qe5+ 78.Kd7 Qb5+ 79.Kc8 Qxa5 80.Qe6+ Kh4 81.h6 Qa8+ 82.Kd7 b5 83.Ke7 b4 84.h7 Qa7+ 85.Qd7 Qe3+ 86.Kf7 Qf4+ 87.Ke8 1-0
[Site "Douglas ENG"]
[Date "2017.09.24"]
[Round "2.31"]
[White "Naiditsch, Arkadij"]
[Black "Hambleton, Aman"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2702"]
[BlackElo "2479"]
[PlyCount "173"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4 5.d4 d5 6.Bd3 Be7 7.O-O Nc6 8.Re1 Bf5 9.Nc3 Nxc3 10.bxc3 Bxd3 11.Qxd3 O-O 12.Rb1 Na5 13.Re2 c6 14.Bf4 Bf6 15.Rbe1 Nc4 16.h3 h6 17.Nh2 Bg5 18.Bxg5 Qxg5 19.Ng4 Nd6 20.Re5 Qg6 21.Qg3 Rae8 22.Rxe8 Rxe8 23.Rxe8+ Nxe8 24.Qb8 Qe6 25.Kf1 Qe7 26.Qxa7 f6 27.Ne3 Nd6 28.Qc5 Qe6 29.a4 Kh7 30.a5 Nf5 31.c4 Nxe3+ 32.fxe3 Qxe3 33.cxd5 Qf4+ 34.Ke2 Qe4+ 35.Kd1 cxd5 36.g4 Qh1+ 37.Kd2 Qxh3 38.Qc8 h5 39.Qf5+ Kh8 40.Qxh5+ Qxh5 41.gxh5 Kg8 42.c4 dxc4 43.Kc3 Kf7 44.Kxc4 f5 45.Kd3 Kf6 46.Ke3 Kg5 47.d5 f4+ 48.Ke4 Kg4 49.d6 f3 50.Ke3 Kg3 51.d7 f2 52.d8=Q f1=Q 53.Qg5+ Kh3 54.Qxg7 Qe1+ 55.Kf3 Qd1+ 56.Kf4 Qd2+ 57.Kf5 Qd3+ 58.Kg5 Qe3+ 59.Kg6 Qe4+ 60.Kh6 Qe3+ 61.Qg5 Qe6+ 62.Kg7 Qd7+ 63.Kf8 Qc8+ 64.Ke7 Qc7+ 65.Ke8 Qc8+ 66.Kf7 Qd7+ 67.Kf8 Qc8+ 68.Kg7 Qd7+ 69.Kh6 Qe6+ 70.Qg6 Qe3+ 71.Kh7 Qe7+ 72.Kg8 Qd8+ 73.Kg7 Qe7+ 74.Qf7 Qe5+ 75.Kg8 Qg3+ 76.Kf8 Qd6+ 77.Ke8 Qe5+ 78.Kd7 Qb5+ 79.Kc8 Qxa5 80.Qe6+ Kh4 81.h6 Qa8+ 82.Kd7 b5 83.Ke7 b4 84.h7 Qa7+ 85.Qd7 Qe3+ 86.Kf7 Qf4+ 87.Ke8 1-0
[Event "Isle of Man op"]
[Site "Douglas ENG"]
[Date "2017.09.24"]
[Round "2.31"]
[White "Naiditsch, Arkadij"]
[Black "Hambleton, Aman"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2702"]
[BlackElo "2479"]
[ECO "C42"]
[EventDate "2017.09.23"]
[PlyCount "173"]
[EventType "swiss"]
[EventRounds "9"]
[EventCountry "ENG"]
[Source "Chess Mix"]
[SourceDate "2017.10.10"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5 d6 4. Nf3 Nxe4 5. d4 d5 6. Bd3 Be7 7. O-O Nc6
8. Re1 Bf5 9. Nc3 Nxc3 10. bxc3 Bxd3 11. Qxd3 O-O 12. Rb1 Na5 13. Re2 c6
14. Bf4 Bf6 15. Rbe1 Nc4 16. h3 h6 17. Nh2 Bg5 18. Bxg5 Qxg5 19. Ng4 Nd6
20. Re5 Qg6 21. Qg3 Rae8 22. Rxe8 Rxe8 23. Rxe8+ Nxe8 24. Qb8 Qe6 25. Kf1
Qe7 26. Qxa7 f6 27. Ne3 Nd6 28. Qc5 Qe6 29. a4 Kh7 30. a5 Nf5 31. c4 Nxe3+
32. fxe3 Qxe3 33. cxd5 Qf4+ 34. Ke2 Qe4+ 35. Kd1 cxd5 36. g4 Qh1+ 37. Kd2
Qxh3 38. Qc8 h5 39. Qf5+ Kh8 40. Qxh5+ Qxh5 41. gxh5 Kg8 42. c4 dxc4 43.
Kc3 Kf7 44. Kxc4 f5 45. Kd3 Kf6 46. Ke3 Kg5 47. d5 f4+ 48. Ke4 Kg4 49. d6
f3 50. Ke3 Kg3 51. d7 f2 52. d8=Q f1=Q 53. Qg5+ Kh3 54. Qxg7 Qe1+ 55. Kf3
Qd1+ 56. Kf4 Qd2+ 57. Kf5 Qd3+ 58. Kg5 Qe3+ 59. Kg6 Qe4+ 60. Kh6 Qe3+ 61.
Qg5 Qe6+ 62. Kg7 Qd7+ 63. Kf8 Qc8+ 64. Ke7 Qc7+ 65. Ke8 Qc8+ 66. Kf7 Qd7+
67. Kf8 Qc8+ 68. Kg7 Qd7+ 69. Kh6 Qe6+ 70. Qg6 Qe3+ 71. Kh7 Qe7+ 72. Kg8
Qd8+ 73. Kg7 Qe7+ 74. Qf7 Qe5+ 75. Kg8 Qg3+ 76. Kf8 Qd6+ 77. Ke8 Qe5+ 78.
Kd7 Qb5+ 79. Kc8 Qxa5 80. Qe6+ Kh4 81. h6 Qa8+ 82. Kd7 b5 83. Ke7 b4 84. h7
Qa7+ 85. Qd7 Qe3+ 86. Kf7 Qf4+ 87. Ke8 1-0