[Event "Battle of Alberta "]
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "2016.09.10"]
[Round "2.6"]
[White "Gardner, Robert"]
[Black "Robichaud, Martin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2250"]
[BlackElo "2202"]
[PlyCount "103"]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 e5 4.dxe5 Qxd1+ 5.Kxd1 Nc6 6.f4 Bg4+ 7.Be2 O-O-O+ 8.Bd2 Bxe2+ 9.Nxe2 g5 10.g3 gxf4 11.gxf4 Bh6 12.Rf1 Nge7 13.a4 Rhg8 14.Ra3 Rg2 15.Rh3 Ng8 16.Rff3 Nb4 17.Rfg3 Rxg3 18.hxg3 Nd3 19.Kc2 Nf2 20.Rh2 Nxe4 21.Be1 Nc5 22.g4 Bf8 23.Rxh7 f6 24.Bh4 Re8 25.Nbc3 fxe5 26.f5 Nh6 27.Nd5 Nd7 28.Ne3 Bc5 29.Rxh6 Bxe3 30.g5 e4 31.Rh7 Rg8 32.g6 Nf8 33.Re7 Nxg6 34.fxg6 Rxg6 35.Rxe4 Bb6 36.Rxc4 c6 37.Re4 Rg7 38.Nd4 Rg2+ 39.Kb3 c5 40.Nb5 Rh2 41.Re8+ Kd7 42.Re7+ Kc6 43.Be1 c4+ 44.Ka2 Bc5 45.Rc7+ Kb6 46.Ba5+ Kxa5 47.Rxc5 a6 48.Nd6+ b5 49.axb5 axb5 50.Rxb5+ Ka4 51.Rc5 Rc2 52.Rxc4+ 1-0
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "2016.09.10"]
[Round "2.6"]
[White "Gardner, Robert"]
[Black "Robichaud, Martin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2250"]
[BlackElo "2202"]
[PlyCount "103"]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e4 e5 4.dxe5 Qxd1+ 5.Kxd1 Nc6 6.f4 Bg4+ 7.Be2 O-O-O+ 8.Bd2 Bxe2+ 9.Nxe2 g5 10.g3 gxf4 11.gxf4 Bh6 12.Rf1 Nge7 13.a4 Rhg8 14.Ra3 Rg2 15.Rh3 Ng8 16.Rff3 Nb4 17.Rfg3 Rxg3 18.hxg3 Nd3 19.Kc2 Nf2 20.Rh2 Nxe4 21.Be1 Nc5 22.g4 Bf8 23.Rxh7 f6 24.Bh4 Re8 25.Nbc3 fxe5 26.f5 Nh6 27.Nd5 Nd7 28.Ne3 Bc5 29.Rxh6 Bxe3 30.g5 e4 31.Rh7 Rg8 32.g6 Nf8 33.Re7 Nxg6 34.fxg6 Rxg6 35.Rxe4 Bb6 36.Rxc4 c6 37.Re4 Rg7 38.Nd4 Rg2+ 39.Kb3 c5 40.Nb5 Rh2 41.Re8+ Kd7 42.Re7+ Kc6 43.Be1 c4+ 44.Ka2 Bc5 45.Rc7+ Kb6 46.Ba5+ Kxa5 47.Rxc5 a6 48.Nd6+ b5 49.axb5 axb5 50.Rxb5+ Ka4 51.Rc5 Rc2 52.Rxc4+ 1-0
[Event "Battle of Alberta "]
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "2016.09.10"]
[Round "2.6"]
[White "Gardner, Robert"]
[Black "Robichaud, Martin"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "2250"]
[BlackElo "2202"]
[ECO "D20"]
[EventDate "2016.09.10"]
[PlyCount "103"]
[EventType "team"]
[EventRounds "2"]
[EventCountry "CAN"]
[WhiteTeam "North"]
[BlackTeam "South"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dxc4 3. e4 e5 4. dxe5 Qxd1+ 5. Kxd1 Nc6 6. f4 Bg4+ 7. Be2
O-O-O+ 8. Bd2 Bxe2+ 9. Nxe2 g5 10. g3 gxf4 11. gxf4 Bh6 12. Rf1 Nge7 13. a4
Rhg8 14. Ra3 Rg2 15. Rh3 Ng8 16. Rff3 Nb4 17. Rfg3 Rxg3 18. hxg3 Nd3 19.
Kc2 Nf2 20. Rh2 Nxe4 21. Be1 Nc5 22. g4 Bf8 23. Rxh7 f6 24. Bh4 Re8 25.
Nbc3 fxe5 26. f5 Nh6 27. Nd5 Nd7 28. Ne3 Bc5 29. Rxh6 Bxe3 30. g5 e4 31.
Rh7 Rg8 32. g6 Nf8 33. Re7 Nxg6 34. fxg6 Rxg6 35. Rxe4 Bb6 36. Rxc4 c6 37.
Re4 Rg7 38. Nd4 Rg2+ 39. Kb3 c5 40. Nb5 Rh2 41. Re8+ Kd7 42. Re7+ Kc6 43.
Be1 c4+ 44. Ka2 Bc5 45. Rc7+ Kb6 46. Ba5+ Kxa5 47. Rxc5 a6 48. Nd6+ b5 49.
axb5 axb5 50. Rxb5+ Ka4 51. Rc5 Rc2 52. Rxc4+ 1-0