[Event "Battle of Alberta"]
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "2011.09.24"]
[Round "2.11"]
[White "Sequillion, Aaron"]
[Black "Tam, Eric"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2129"]
[BlackElo "2077"]
[PlyCount "70"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 d6 5.c3 Bd7 6.O-O Nge7 7.d4 Ng6 8.Re1 Be7 9.Nbd2 h6 10.Nf1 Bg5 11.Ne3 Bxe3 12.Bxe3 b5 13.Bc2 O-O 14.Qe2 Qf6 15.Rad1 Bg4 16.Qf1 Bxf3 17.gxf3 Nh4 18.Re2 Qxf3 19.Red2 Rae8 20.d5 Ne7 21.Re1 Neg6 22.Bd1 Qxe4 23.Bxh6 Nf3+ 24.Bxf3 Qxf3 25.Rd3 Qf5 26.Bd2 e4 27.Qh3 Qxh3 28.Rxh3 Ne5 29.Re2 f5 30.Bf4 Nf3+ 31.Kh1 Kf7 32.Rh5 Kf6 33.Rh7 Rh8 34.Rxh8 Rxh8 35.Kg2 g5 0-1
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "2011.09.24"]
[Round "2.11"]
[White "Sequillion, Aaron"]
[Black "Tam, Eric"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2129"]
[BlackElo "2077"]
[PlyCount "70"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 d6 5.c3 Bd7 6.O-O Nge7 7.d4 Ng6 8.Re1 Be7 9.Nbd2 h6 10.Nf1 Bg5 11.Ne3 Bxe3 12.Bxe3 b5 13.Bc2 O-O 14.Qe2 Qf6 15.Rad1 Bg4 16.Qf1 Bxf3 17.gxf3 Nh4 18.Re2 Qxf3 19.Red2 Rae8 20.d5 Ne7 21.Re1 Neg6 22.Bd1 Qxe4 23.Bxh6 Nf3+ 24.Bxf3 Qxf3 25.Rd3 Qf5 26.Bd2 e4 27.Qh3 Qxh3 28.Rxh3 Ne5 29.Re2 f5 30.Bf4 Nf3+ 31.Kh1 Kf7 32.Rh5 Kf6 33.Rh7 Rh8 34.Rxh8 Rxh8 35.Kg2 g5 0-1
[Event "Battle of Alberta"]
[Site "Red Deer CAN"]
[Date "2011.09.24"]
[Round "2.11"]
[White "Sequillion, Aaron"]
[Black "Tam, Eric"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "2129"]
[BlackElo "2077"]
[ECO "C75"]
[EventDate "2011.09.24"]
[PlyCount "70"]
[EventType "team"]
[EventRounds "2"]
[EventCountry "CAN"]
[WhiteTeamCountry "CAN"]
[BlackTeamCountry "CAN"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 d6 5. c3 Bd7 6. O-O Nge7 7. d4 Ng6 8.
Re1 Be7 9. Nbd2 h6 10. Nf1 Bg5 11. Ne3 Bxe3 12. Bxe3 b5 13. Bc2 O-O 14. Qe2
Qf6 15. Rad1 Bg4 16. Qf1 Bxf3 17. gxf3 Nh4 18. Re2 Qxf3 19. Red2 Rae8 20.
d5 Ne7 21. Re1 Neg6 22. Bd1 Qxe4 23. Bxh6 Nf3+ 24. Bxf3 Qxf3 25. Rd3 Qf5
26. Bd2 e4 27. Qh3 Qxh3 28. Rxh3 Ne5 29. Re2 f5 30. Bf4 Nf3+ 31. Kh1 Kf7
32. Rh5 Kf6 33. Rh7 Rh8 34. Rxh8 Rxh8 35. Kg2 g5 0-1